Thursday, July 2, 2009

Owls Spotlight: AlphabetDiva

I love to take pictures, and I always have, so it only made sense to me to start a business taking photos. I have been focusing on taking photos of everyday items that look like letters of the alphabet. Now that is not as easy as it sounds, I mean go out and find the letter G, and then find one in nature, sports and architecture! So it takes a keen eye to find these letter photographs. I started out like most, finding the easy letters, the B’s and L’s using windows etc. and slowing sharpening my focus to find the harder letters, and items not normally scrutinized , like a baseball glove and a garden gate.

Now I see letters everywhere I look! I am always taking pictures, and have actually had people come up to me and ask me why I am taking pictures of them, and I have to explain that I am taking pictures of the basketball court floor, (weird I know) . Some others have asked if I was from the Health Department (taking close ups of the water fountain at my child’s school), or maybe I am from the bank because I am outside taking a picture of their garage door or the shutters on their house!

Recently my girls have started whining every time I pull the car over to take a picture of a telephone pole or tree knot, “Mom, please”, I hear from the backseat, “ I hate stopping all the time” the exclaim! Hey is it my fault that it takes twice as long to get anywhere these days? Well yes I guess it is, but I can’t seem to break my LETTER PHOTO ADDICTION!

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