Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Owl Spotlight, JamieLeto

hello fellow owls and faithful etsian readers.. and everyone else in between! i'm so thrilled to be writing my first etsyowls spotlight blog! but what to write about... well it never has been hard for me to write so why start being difficult now? hehe.

well, i took a hiatus from etsy recently to just regain my focus and balance my workload outside of the online world. i took a month or two off and i'm back with new ideas and an entire etsy shop full of discounted prices. for the past year i've sold knitted goods as well as plenty of zines and nautical themed jewelry, but somewhere in the start of this year i was feeling disconnected to it and felt as though i should sit on some new ideas.

these are just some of the things currently on sale in my etsy shop. i've set the prices sufficiently lower than what they had been because i'm trying to clear it all out. so on my journey to find what my next creative venture will be, i just basically stumbled into myself. there wasn't much looking involved, but more thinking. thinking what i connect with, what i enjoy and what i'd like to share with others. it took me about five minutes after sitting down, while on etsy hiatus, to think of what i'd really love to do. i've done jewelry, i've done knitting, i've done paper goods, i've done zines.. and then i just looked around and it was clear to me what was next, and it's decoupage.

anyone who knows me, if they go away knowing of one thing, it's probably going to be my extensive love of collaging. still living with my family, over the past few years my walls have just become covered. i love collaging, i love matching colors, putting things together and creating visual splendor. i never really thought about branching out in this sense, but while participating in my typical collaging, and through constantly seeing my friends' reactions to my work, i just thought, i enjoy this, etsy enjoys art, why not mix the two? so i came off my hiatus in time, put my whole etsy shop on sale to get rid of old stock, and with the money i make from the old stock i will pay off my parents for the tv on the radio tickets i 'needed' (in my impulsive buying ways and my desires to not let my boyfriend pay for absolutely everything) and will invest in my new ideas. my first project will be a sort of jewelry box collaged decoupage-style with photos from national geographic magazine. hopefully my sales will pick up soon so i'll be enabled to do this.

ps- steve buscemi recently got a twitter and if 1,000 people send photos of them holding a dollar with 'steve buscemi is on twitter' written on it, he'll shave his head! LET'S DO IT! he's at twitter.com/steve_buscemi!

You can hook up with JamieLeto on Twitter @jamieleto and also on her blog at http://jamieleto.vox.com Visit her shop at http://jamieleto.etsy.com


J-Mi said...

Jamie, I love your steering necklaces and covet one for myself! New crafting adventures are exciting! Good luck!!!

Andrea Tedford said...

i love the lion king playbill! i have the exact same one in a scrapbook from when i went to nyc in 2004. the show was amazing!


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